Thursday, August 18, 2011

I made...

Zucchini bread...too much flour=cracked. I have always wanted to do this on a wall since I saw it a the restaurant years ago with Jill in SLC. It helps define the dining area of my great room. The first time I have ground and used used white wheat to make bread. Delicious ! {Melissa Daniels' recipe.}

Thursday, August 11, 2011

altered boy shirts

I buy my shirts in the boys dept. the sleeves are long enough that way. I decided to put graphics on these nice cheap thermals for fall. {these shirts were from Nordstrom Rack } All the same shirts...just color variations.

2 costumes done

Here is Wendys costume ..
Peter Pan's dagger is made from a large paint stir stick. I don't know why it is upside down.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

status of costumes for Shannon

Here is what I have going so far for your requested costumes.
Peter, Wendy, Micheal, John and Captain Hook.