Saturday, August 30, 2008

Of course we forgot the camera so when we got home at midnight we took a picture of ourselves with the ad and playbill of Wicked......IT WAS AWESOME !!!!! The storyline is GREAT...the costumes could not have been better...the stage stuff was SOOOOOOOOOOO cool...the director did such a good job of getting them to time their lines soo effectively !!! Galinda was such a great ditsy blond !!! The whole thing had so much social and political truth in it that it was almost scary !!! NOW ....about the whole Hollywood and Vine thing and the stars on the walks of all the
famous people...SLEASY....unkempt...Lousy neighborhood...The Pantages itself has been renovated and is awesome...and Carol Channing's star is directly in front of the middle of the Pantages...some of the stars are cracked and chipped bigtime..lots are under construction stuff..literally.....RATHER disappointing would not want to be there without a huge crowd like we were !!! ...........oh ya, it was fun running into Cathy and Tiffany Davis in the Pantages !!! Anyway...thanks for the fun was the whole FIVE stars date...because we went to Phillippes for beef dip sandwiches before the play too !!! SO THANKS EVERYBODY FOR AN AWESOME TIME !!!


FoxFamily said...

Glad you took a picture at midnight! What a date! HOw nice that you gave it 5 stars, and went out to eat before. How fun! That's cool you ran into Cathy and Tiffany! :-) Love ya!

Abigail said...

I love that Carol Channings star was right out front. I'm glad you enjoyed it mom!