Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Newport Beach Temple day

The San Diego Temple is closed for 3 weeks so today I went to the Newport Beach Temple and did 2 sessions...It is the same floor plan as others but it is beautiful how they have decorated theirs !!! I enjoyed it...the drive was very busy..mucho cars and an accident on the way home had me going about 5mph for quite a while...too bad I don't know how to travel by the speed of light !!! I have to keep up to make my yearly goal !!


Freth Stifter said...

I hate those 5-minute traffic jams when everyone gets off work.
I usually sit them out at a fast food place and then continue on my way.
Don't you wish ... :)

sleepless said...

Well hoity toity Mr. country man aren't you lucky !!!!!!!!!!!!!