Sunday, October 26, 2008

Walnut Park Ward Halloween Social, Chili cook-off and carnival with trunk-or-treat in the dark!
For more pictures go to [Password: chapel]

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

All dressed up and no where to go!

Tired of wearing their Mickey Mouse ears since January 1st,
Waldorf and Statler get dressed up for a different party!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Several weeks ago the USPS sent me on a journey to audit safety records. These are some of the friends I met along the way. Permanent resident at the Hilton Hawaiian Village at Waikiki.
They didn't get the same wiew I got from my room though.

Monday, October 6, 2008

SO COOL !! Today my son-in-law M visited and got my web cam up and working so I saw and talked to my daughter S and her husband M and grandson L this evening on the was sooo fun !!! I believe son S and A also can do this so I can see and hear grandchildren M and J too !!! Whenever son S !!! Let me know if and when you can !!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Wanlass family looking for a family tree to plant!

Wanlads & Wanlasses October 2008

Family History and Genealogy

Some of the things I picked up at Education Week at Family History. When you have the intent to write a family history answer the following questions:
1. What is my purpose in writing?
2. Have I made it a matter of prayer?
3. What compels me to write?
4. What is it I want to convey to your readers?
5. Can I find any documents written by my ancestors: Father, mother, grandfather, grandmother?
6. Is this a subject I care about and which I, in my heart, feel others should care about?

When you have answered these questions, and you aren’t discouraged, proceed in the following direction.
1. Make a list of stories that must be told
2. Pick a story that interests you and write about it
3. Then pick another, etc.

Getting started: Make lists
Ø Stories that must be told
Ø Important people – your VIP list
Ø Places where you’ve lived
Ø Favorite toys, food, song, movies
Ø Pets
Ø Boy/girl friends
Ø Cars you’ve owned
Ø Hobbies
Ø Church callings
Ø Turning points

Keep the stories short. A collection of short stories make up a biography.

Show, Don’t Tell. Telling isn’t very personal. You want to show the reader what the story is about, so that they can sense or feel what the story is about. Likewise you need to provide descriptves that will help them understand the context of what you are trying to relate in the telling of the story.
§ Tell: explain, inform, advise, study, summarize.
§ Show: demonstrate, exhibit, make, observe, reveal, dramatize.

Additionally, remember that not everyone will know who or what you are relating from your perspective so you need to provide additional details, as noted below.
· Use the full names of persons involved in story.
· Include dates and places.
· Generally, a story is an expression of one event, happening, experience, theme or idea
· Give it a short title (Use a good descriptive title).
· Identify the author.
· Identify the source of the story information.
· Include any comments or conclusions you would like to make.

Components of a personal history:
§ Events
§ People
§ Places
§ Life context
§ Reactions
§ Story
§ Be personal
§ Be honest
§ Be specific

Writing About Places – Creating Your Life Context
The Importance of Setting
No one was raised in a bubble.

What is a life context?
Life Context includes the communities where you lived and the family you came from.

· Parents personality and discipline style
· Religion
· Local, regional, and national events
· IQ and personality
· Trends and fashions of the time

What do readers need to know about my world?
How was my experience different?
What influence did this event have?

What was it like to be a child in your day?
· Family discipline
· Relationships to elders
· Education
· Recreation
· Family routine
· Childhood home
· Societal norms-ethics, morality
· Family concerns
· Family traditions

This is important > The context material to your life!

Wanlads & WanlassesTM Published by Wanlass Family OrganizationW. R. Wanlass 4853 Liberty Street Chino CA 91710-2352

Saturday, October 4, 2008

This morning dadu and I went yardsaleing...the semi-annual Hillview acres sale...and a community sale we found on the way home...I am finding Christmas stuff to do the 12 days of Christmas for a family that I found out last year...[after Christmas] didn't have much...just what the mom crocheted..........I am finding good stuff !! Then we watched conference on dadu's was a real scrambled picture affair with lots of breaks in, the next session we watched on my computer and got the actual pictures going and many less breaks in sound...............tomorrow we are going to E and D's and the mudda's house for conference, food and entertainment !!! They get it on TV.
We are getting a little rain here this afternoon and it has cooled off nicely today ! Dadu did get the front lawn mowed between sessions...I read the newspaper and went to check out a new thrift store it told about...and found a frame I needed and a couple of books for the 12 day thing..I found a big frame for a nativity poster I am framing for the 12 days...this morning for $2 at the Hillview sale..I will work on framing those this evening..and finish the laundry..and do the dishes...while dadu goes to the Priesthood session of conference at 5 ..
I understand my sister H and daughters visited my son S and family yesterday in Utah...the girls flew...the boys are driving out..they are hotel living until their house closes in Utah..

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Today I went to Redlands Temple and did a bunch of initiatory work...That is soooo spiritual !! I recommend it if you get a chance to run away for a few of hours ...if you have a temple close enough to do that !!.....................................................................................................My knee has been giving me trouble..I don't know was doing better I guess I overdid it and it is telling me...but must go on..and the house looks so nice all vacuumed and dusted and such.........................ANYWAY.... HELLO OUT THERE !!.....SMILE ALL YOU BLOG READERS !!