Last night we went to a great adult potluck / bring your own meat to BBQ at the park by our church. It was nice getting to know different people. Someone had this cool game to play where you sling 2 balls on a rope about 20 feet, and they hopefully catch on a ladder structure for points. Someone made ice cream for it too !
We rearranged our bedroom so now we look at the window instead of being under the window..I like the arrangement better..we are hoping it improves sleep.
I had 7 busy little Sunbeams today at church, so the secretary came in to help me. We have one special little non conformer type A personality !!! She needs more attention !!! Having a GREAT time here !!!
We forgot the funeral yesterday of our 92 year old matriarch in the ward..feisty and brilliant to the end.!! Just the body gave out !! Edith Snapp..great lady !!
Broccoli Cheese soup for dinner
7 years ago