Sunday, August 9, 2009

SO...B. is working in San Diego all this week and Oakland/Sacramento all the next week...Our house painter quit after a decent start,[ He had never dealt with dry rot or termite damage] .I do not have the luxury of quitting ...It has to be done..and hiring someone now would be I may just as well keep going....B. and I replaced about 5 boards on front of the house ...dry rot and old termite damaged...We cut out a mid section of a 2x4..about 12 inches..angled down...I had to figure out how to replace a piece in there..4 tries later it is done...the fourth time I decided to forget math and angles and try must make a template like for quilting..and that worked.....It is quite I can just work mornings as I can...I have alot of caulking and scraping still...and sweeping which seems to get off more actual dirt and cobwebs than the pressure washing did...I have hired a neighbor...and middle aged Filipino woman to help starting tomorrow...Having a great time...wish you were here !!................meanwhile a 40 year old neighbor I visit teach is in the hospital after very major back surgery, with a paralysis mother in law is in another hospital with a seriously broken leg...we have been visiting them in our "spare" time... meantime my granddaughter who lives here wonders what my problem is ,I am not playing with her enough !!! I heard a GREAT line today in a prayer......Help us meet our challenges HEAD ON !!! I agree ~!!!


Myhouse4nine said...

Way to go for thinking out side the "normal " Box! I find sewing works in many real life situations too. Acceptance... Head ON! Love ya!

April said...

Wow it sounds like you have a lot of craziness going on around there, I'm sorry about the painting of the house, wish I was there I love to paint and I would ever bring my dad he can do everything!!!

Is it Grandma Wanlass that broke her leg?

Freth Stifter said...

Yep. Check the "Eddie & Dee" blog for news on Grandma Grumpy ...