Saturday, February 6, 2010

flowers, conjoined twins, bedroom rug

This is my new-yarn bound carpet from Amy's mom..I laid it like a rug in my bedroom on slip proof rug more echo in there !!!!!!! yay !!

The other night I watched a great documentary on conjoined twins in a small town in Minnesota..Abigail and Brittany..they just turned 16 and each got her driver'
s license..they have the best attitude ever and are awesome !!! They have been raised like any other kids . They each have their own head, neck, heart ,lungs and small intestines..and share everything else..each controls the arm and leg on her side . They have had the same doctor their whole lives and have been incredibly healthy.

These are in my back yard...I have some kind of bulbs coming up in the front yard too..really nice !!


Abigail said...

those flowers are lovely! what a nice surprise!

that's great those twins have a good attitude!

wilkinson family said...

i love those daffodils. we have some that grow in front of one of our fences.

Jan Parker said...

I have one little daffodil that springs up (a little later though). I've read about those conjoined twins and you are right-they have great attitudes. really inspirational when you look at what they face compared to our own lives. They must have awesome parents.