Sunday, April 11, 2010

Allen and the Haynieacts

That guy on the mike in the front is our ward's Relief Society President's husband...he does tv and movie sound systems...he works at the Lawerance Welk Resort ..the guy on the keyboard is the LWR director....Stake Pres. on the drums in both photos.

Last night we had a ward party..two bands on either end of the cultural hall... and dancing and a sister teaching the cha cha was fun ! The professional band" Allen and the Haynieacts "was first..really good..It is our stake president's band. Two from the high counsel are singers, two men in our ward are in it plus the guy in our stake who runs the Lawrence Welk Resort here in the area..Allen Haynie plays electric drums..vigorously !! Our choir director has a mellow band and pres. Haynie plays regular drums for it ! Dadu even danced a few slow dances with me...every dance had couples,kids of all ages, groups, and single dancers like me out on the dance floor just having a fun time !!!

1 comment:

April said...

Wow that looks like a very fun activity!!! I'm surprised that you got Dad to dance with you:) What fun, I know Nathan with a lot of coaxing would probably dance but I would probably only get one dance out of him:)